I'm a finisher by nature. I like starting projects but I like finishing them even more. I like the feeling of accomplishment; the satisfaction of crossing things off the list; the closure that comes from wrapping things up.
We often joke around here about all the things that need to be done saying, "well that's number 3,278 on the list right now." There will always be things that need doing, things that we could do, things that we want to do but life has a way of switching our priorities around.
Alone we may be able to press through, to work a little overtime and cram all our projects in -- for a while -- but in community you are almost forced to learn to adjust not only to your own shifting life but to the hopes and wants and needs of others as well.
Community can be the context for finishers, like myself, to discover this needed lesson: there is value and even great beauty in the unfinished.